Monday, September 27, 2010

Friends Vs. Families

"Friends are the family that we choose ourselves."

Blood relatives can't be chosen.You can't choose your actual relatives 'cause you're bound by genes. But you can choose your friends & if the people you chose are real friends they start becoming your family outside of your real family. The ones who stand next to you in times of happiness and sorrows.

Life as a Gift

"Life isn't tied w/ a ribbon & wrapped in shiny paper but it's still a gift."

You can pretty much compare life to birthday money. Money , as a life, is given to you. It is entirely in your power on how you would spend it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


"Envy is a waste of time, you already have all that you need."

Jealousy is a freakin' waste of time. Imagine how many precious seconds, minutes, hours of your life you waste on just thinking on how she's better than you. Why should you care if she's smarter, prettier, more artistic, a better singer or even taller than you are?


Totally none of your B!!

"What other people think of you is none of your business."

Never ever ever let snide & negative comments & remarks get to you, 'cause what the hell do they know about the real you?! Just be who you are & never be affected by what people think of you

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Be yourself

You were born as you. You are the perfect person to play the role of you. Individuality is something to be greatly admired.

God gave you shoes to fit you,
so put 'em on, and wear 'em.

"Today is special"

No one is in charge of your happiness but you. You have a choice to make a difference today. A choice to make your surrounding a little bit better than yesterday and even more special.

Secret Relationships = NOT WORTH IT!

"If a relationship has to be a secret, it's not worth it."

Nowadays, there are rarely any 'Romeo and Juliet'-like love that really needs to be kept secret. So if you're in a relationship that is kept in a secret, are you sure that it's worth it? True love can't help but be shown off and your kind of love is a secret, it may just not be real.


Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what they're going through.

Don't say that someone is luckier than you. That she has a better life because you have absolutely no idea what she's going through. Outside you might perceive a smart and imaginative girl full of energy & fun but you may not know taht she cries herself to sleep 'cause of insecurities. Consider yourself lucky that you're you.

Winner Vs. Loser

"You don't have to win everything."
In life, there are winners and losers. No one wins all the time as no one loses all oppurtunities. Sometimes we're on the top of the world, sometimes we're in the bottom of the ditch. You didn't win? You never seem to win? RELAX. Maybe your time hasn't come yet. You'd win sometimes, it's just that not now.